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Lv 5
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 4 months ago

Why does yahoo & media only support one side of most issues?

Example; 1000’s of doctors and a great deal of data support not wearing of masks yet most media will not even mention this fact!

9 Answers

  • 4 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    Get used to it. The media has lost its way. They publish more propaganda than they do news, and they don't even bother to hide it anymore.

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    They don't want to spread fake claims which threaten public health and put medical staff under unnecessary additional pressure.

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    This will be huge as an answer. The issues you state are complicated. All media has some bias. There is bias of false information which is the worst, bias in choice of words, and bias in choice of stories to cover. 

    There are web sites that try to state what the bias of each media source tends to be.

    Allsides, Mediabiasfactcheck, and Ad Fontes are the best 3.

    You should see that ABCTV out of NY City, Associated Press, and a few others are best places to get information.

    Media, ideally, should be truthful and balanced. The example you show is not truthful and balanced. What you term a "fact" is out of date and right wing conspiracy. A correct report states pro and con of each issue.

    It is absolutely 100% factual that the rejection of masks and social distancing is causing additional infections, deaths, and extension of restrictions on our lives, and respectable media should not report what you show because it is detrimental to society. Issues are not simple. If they were simple, they would be non-issues. People hate complexity. There is too much already in their lives. But learning something means setting aside what you WANT to believe and instead trying to understand.

    A three layer standard cotton mask does not STOP the tiny virus. This is true. And, the more effective N95 surgical masks that do a better job are needed in the medical industry. They are also more expensive and are not 100% effective either. And, wearing a mask is not comfortable. And it does remove a freedom of doing whatever you want to do. And it requires you have lots of them and not just one. They need sanitizing or disposal. They get into the streets. They hide people's faces. I can list a lot of reasons why we don't WANT to wear them.


    What is true:

    The virus primarily attaches to droplets of water and can also remain on surfaces alive for hours. In closed places they get in the air. 

    There are infections that are almost without symptoms at all. Most are that way. Healthy young people getting Covid-19 will have high numbers of no symptoms. There is also an incubation period. People can be highly infected and transmit the disease as a supercarrier with almost no symptoms. Many of these will be sick in a few days. It's called PRE-SYMPTOMATIC. That makes this virus extra dangerous. Sick people we stay away from and stay home or in hospitals. Asymptomatic do not spread much unless they are pre-symptomatic. But, we don't know the future 5 days from now. Some people complaining about masks and saying the whole thing is a hoax, got sick and died a week later. Also, some people are very vulnerable. Elderly, other pre-existing conditions, many we don't know we have, sick from something else, weakened immune systems, overweight, smokers, poor diets, and more. These people need protection.

    Now, after all this. The mask catches droplets from infected people containing the virus. If you have it and are pre-symptomatic, your mask is preventing many people from getting sick. Masks, social distancing, and frequent washing of hands and surfaces stop infected people from transmitting to non-infected. This is 90% effective in stopping infected people and add in Contact Tracing, and it stops the spread.

    There is a proven 2nd good thing. The most recent careful large-scale study showed mask wearers that get Covid-19 are getting a much lower level of virus at infection. The mask blocks much of the incoming virus, though NOT ALL. You are correct. However, since the low amount of virus takes longer to incubate, the body has time to fight it! No preexisting condition, not very high risk group, getting infected are almost 97% asymptomatic. It says, wearing a mask and social distancing is as good as a vaccine. It means when you get infected you don't get sick and don't spread the virus. 

    So, you wear a mask to prevent your bad illness from passing to other people. This is especially when you don't know you are going to be very sick. This is known for months now.

    You ALSO wear it so IF AND WHEN you get the virus it is at a low level and you can fight it off and become immune at least for months. 

    As a human being, you are supposed to care about other people. But even if a selfish rotten person, you should care about your own health and do what you can to stay healthy. 

    WEAR A MASK! You are hearing from people in your media sources that are out-of-date and relying on theoretical about virus sizes and don't WANT to wear one. They justify bad behavior.   

    You can verify everything I wrote. Please use centrist sources for media.

    Lv 6
    4 months ago

    Because our governments are frightened we'll riot if it looks like they don't know what they're doing. Which it does anyway. But the majority of people just watch and listen to mainstream media, so that keeps the masses docile and makes them downvote anything which they consider crazy, like not wearing masks or not taking a vaccine.

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  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    Gosh.  I wonder why surgeons and dentists wear masks if they do nothing to prevent infection.

    Yahoo doesn't restrict you from posting your idiotic opinion as "fact".   I have no clue why you think it does.

    P.S.   I don't know about you, but I am really enjoying NOT being sick and I'm also noticing that not a single one of my coworkers has been coughing or sneezing crap around the office either - even though it's now December.    Normally half the staff is coughing up a lung by now. 

    But hey, if you and your friends want to share spit/snot, go for it. 

  • Grumpy
    Lv 4
    4 months ago

    Awe Republican cancel culture. Ain’t it great?

  • 4 months ago

    Because giving morons with wrong ideas equal coverage is dangerous to public health.

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    Sure Bro.......

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    Why don't you post a link for your "fact"?

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