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If we truly believe in Christ, how should we maturely respond to people who spread false go don't have the Holy Spirit residing within them?

These kind of people spread false doctrines


The question was supposed to say this:

“If we truly believe in Christ, how should we maturely respond to people who don't have the Holy Spirit residing within them?”

I meant to edit the question before postin' it. My bad, y'all.

5 Answers

  • 4 months ago

    @Orange Saboteur 01/20/21 I'm aware of that, which is why I asked how we should maturely respond to them.

    @bender_xr217 True people of Christ are the mature ones, which is why I'm on the road to bein' filled with His Spirit. Those who want Him & truly knows what it takes to get His Spirit within them will be made mature (not an overnight kind of thing) because He talks to those who have His Spirit & guides them on how to handle any kind of situation.

    @God Hates You; Proverbs 6:16-19   Awesome! Thank you! ☺

    @Dane   Today's Christianity is false, but not the version of the way God meant it to be ... The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed & the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed. In other words, the New Testament is a magnified/exalted version of the Old Testament.

    @Annsan_In_Him   Awesome. Amen to that.

  • 4 months ago

    Right from the start of the1st century Church, imposters have tried to inveigle their way in, and some succeeded. The NT warns Christians that this will happen, but that they are to "contend earnestly for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints" - in the 1st century. So, it's key to know what that gospel faith was and to spot counterfeit gospels. Gnosticism was the big threat of corruption back then; it's still doing the rounds but in more subtle guise today. Another source of false gospels is in cults claiming to be Christian but which present a non-biblical Jesus, and a non-biblical salvation. One such group boasts that 99% of its members don't need the indwelling Holy Spirit because their leaders have it and they just have to come under a sort-of 'umbrella' protection to benefit.

    Well, Christian men have the God-given responsibility of shepherding the flock of God, protecting them from 'ravening wolves' that come in under guise of being sheep. The reason why so many false gospels abound today is their dereliction of duty. Christians must do what the Bible says, exposing false teachings by showing what the Bible teaches. They must do as Hebrews 12:2 says, to keep their eyes fixed on Christ, "the author and perfecter of faith". They must not go off-topic by attacking error so that they fail to do as Jesus commanded - to proclaim the good news of Christ to the world. If they are saturated in the word of God, and belong by faith to the Word of God, they will respond maturely. They will "speak the truth in love" and stand firm on Christ alone for salvation.

  • Dane
    Lv 4
    4 months ago

    I believe Christianity is a false Doctrine.  Many of us believe many different things.  So since you are resorting to the bible (biblical character of Jesus) I will use that standard as my measuring tool.  You cannot have the New Testament be true while the old be false or else you lose the laws, promises, prophecies, etc...  However you can have the Tanakh (Jewish Old Testament) be true while the New Testament is false.  And in fact the word for Tanakh meant a measuring rod.  So we can use it as a standard or a measuring tool to see if your beliefs of Yeshua (Jesus) as Moshiach (Messiah) is correct or accurate.  So let us go to the Hebrew scriptures and see what is said of Moshiach.  What are the claims in Tanakh, etc...

    First off, Moshiac simply meant an anointed one. To the Jewish mind this meant any anointed one (as there were many) so there was no HaMoshiach (The anointed one).  The priests were anointed so they were Moshiach, the kings were anointed so they were also Moshiach, In Isaiah 45 a foreign king of Persia (Cyrus) anointed by Hashem and going to save Israel was named Moshiach, Again in Daniel 9 he is called Moshiach and the Christian bible calls this area Messiah when it clearly points to Cyrus.  Also Israel herself is called Hashems Moshiach.  So what is this notion of HaMoshiach?  It comes from the prophecies to David.  You will have a son to reign upon your throne forever.  Can Yeshua (Jesus)as the Christians understand possibly be said Moshiach?  Lets look to the scriptures.  Mathew accounts the lineage of Yeshua (I won't even go into the discrepencies of Mathews Lineage with the Tanakh or with Lukes account of the same lineage).  According to Mathew one of Yeshua's fathers (ancestors) is Jechonia, the accursed king of Israel whom Jeremiah (I want to say Jeremiah 22) says to Jeconiah "you will never have a seed (the word is not Ben which may include servants of his house or even adopted children but the word here means descendant from his literal loins or genitals) to sit upon the throne of David.  If Yeshua is from Jechonias lineage he cannot be HaMoshiach since Jeconiah would not be allowed a son to sit upon Davids throne.  

    What prophecies of HaMoshiach can we look towards to see what he will be like and what he will do?  Not many,  most of the prophecies Christians look to are not prophecies of HaMoshiach at all.  For example, Isaiah gives a prophecy to King Ahaz of a son that shall be born of a Almah (young Maiden) was not a prophecy of virgin birth (as the Christian Text renders this passage).  It would have used Bethulah for that.  Rather Almah is used of the prostitute in proverbs.  The word only meant a women who has not yet conceived a child.  ("but my Septuagint uses a word which means Virgin", says the Christian) yet that same word in the same Septuagint is used in Genesis for a woman who was already raped so not a virgin.  Not to mention the prophecy had NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY MESSIAH.  It was a prophecy to king Ahaz (father of Hezekiah) that The Almah (Isaiah's wife) so it is talking of someone they both are in an understanding of who it is about "the young maiden" shall bear a child.  It then goes on to explain in the very text who the child is and how it is a sign to Ahaz.  The child is born in the very next chapter and is named Mahershallalhashbaz and proceeds to fulfill the signs promised to Ahaz.  The prophecy is fulfilled within the very text.  It is not a future prophecy of a Child being born of a virgin 700 years later but a prophecy fulfilled in the very text to King Ahaz about the war.

    So what will this Moshiach of Davids seed do?  In Ezekial (around chapter 45) He (the seed of king David, the prince, David, the Shepard, etc... as it calls him if you read from Ezekial 30 and on) is the one who builds the 3rd temple and it gives all the physical dimensions of said temple (height, width, thickness of walls, etc... so is not a spiritual representation of a resurrection of a Body) and this Prince shall offer a Hatat (sin sacrifice) in said temple.  This sacrifice in accordance with Lev 17 was a sacrifice for accidental sins.  There is no sacrifice for intentional sin in the Jewish Law.  The Remedy for intentional sins was to turn from your sins and do what was Right (I can provide the verses if you need).  Anyways, this Prince (son of David) HaMoshiach was to offer this sin sacrifice in the rebuilt 3rd temple for his sins and for the sins of the people.  Not just for the sins of the people but for his sins as well.  He himself sinned according to Tanakh.  This is not at all what Christian Theology teaches about Jesus.

    But how can we be sure if Jesus is or is not Moshiach?  Many have their opinions.  Let us again turn to Tanakh as it gives us a remedy by which we can know for sure.  Deuteronomy 17.  If you have a dispute between each other and cannot decide then Hashem (God) says to turn to the sages of Israel.  They will decide on the matter.  So we have a dispute here.  Is Yeshua the Moshiach of Davids seed as promised?  What do the judges (sages) of Israel Say?  No, he doesn't fulfill the prophecies.  

    According to the Law it is settled right there.  That is what it says.  Jesus even agreed with this structure when he clearly says "the pharisee's sit in the seat of Moshe (Moses) Do what they tell you but do not do as they do.  This means they (the judges of Israel) operate under the authority of Moses and you should listen to them.  But they are hypocrites so do not do what they do.  Hence if Yeshua (as a Jew) fulfilled the Law then he would need to fulfill this as well.  No Prophet of Israel can just declare themselves a prophet of Hashem.  Surely every false prophet claims to be a true prophet.  This was the test of the Torah (Law).  If they do not speak according to Torah they are not sent by Hashem (Deuteronomy 13) and they must also be agreed upon by the Sages of Israel as a prophet of Hashem (Deuteronomy 17).  Yeshua fulfilled none of this.  Can you bring one single prophecy of Moshiach that clearly demonstrates Yeshua as this Moshiach which is not entirely ripped out of context or literally had the words changed in the Septuagint by the Christian Church fathers?  I have searched the scriptures well and they say no such thing.  But Please prove me wrong.  Please show me how you guys have a real understanding of Isaiah 53, or Psalms 22, or Zechariah 9:9, etc...  Please show me how little I understand these areas and you have it all figured out.  The reality is the Christians usually do not know this stuff at all.  They claim to base their faith in the book but their faith is based on select readings by your pastors and other worship leaders while rejecting the Scriptures to fit their own narrative.

  • 4 months ago

    Many of those people you claim are "spreading false doctrines" would say the same thing about you.

    How should they "maturely respond" to YOU...

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  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    Hey - those are the kind of people Jesus died for 

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