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what happened to Adelaide?

it's sounds something of incredible to me to see big houses, big cars, nice and clean streets, and at the same time the massive unemployment rate .

What is going on? i still cannot understand, at first look it seems a rich city, seems like until yesterday everyone was a millionaire, then everyone lost their job.Compared to other countries the poorest region have bad houses, can someone tell me what happened?

6 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    4 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    Adelaide seems to be a mix of the creme de la creme and dregs of society.

    The people who either won't or can't work, fall into the poorest suburbs and most don't seem to make their way out. 

    This began at the very foundation of Adelaide. The people originally drawn to the city were an eclectic bunch and most don't intermingle. 

    It truly is a city of class distinction. I think more so than any other Australian capital.

  • 5 days ago

    My family left Adelaide in 2015 due to lack of jobs. We were born and bread in Adelaide, think it's a nice place but it has nothing going for it anymore, no future for our kids. Just relies on tourism now days. We know heaps of people that have left for greener pastures. It feels like we left an old country town for a real city with opportunities.

  • 2 months ago

    Adelaide has some serious handicaps,  most notably a 2nd or 3rd rate clique of semi-professionals , accountants, lawyers what have you,  who,  along with a good 15% + of the workforce who work in the public sector, ensure that there is little innovation, no vision, no risk taking and jobs are never advertised but secretly given to friends or family, because after all , it's who you know ?  

    This makes for a very poor performing economic model (competence anyone ??) , poor pay (because "Keith") who got the job in the attorney generals 15 years ago because his dad worked there, has simply been paid to exist, and won't see a bar of someone "new" or a "blow in" getting paid more,  such is the invirtous circle of the dunning Kruger effect in South Australia, it's sad, but probably unfixable, locals think it's fine in Adelaide, because after all , they've never left, nor travelled, nor worked elsewhere.   Likewise , the poorest are never really given a chance, TAFE is being dismantled ensuring educational penury for those on the lowest step, budgets cut, and beady eye's of the greedy hands fumbling in greasy tills all over east Adelaide ensure that no opportunities ever get realised in the north or south.  

    To be honest, I think Adelaide deserves every bit of this, a smaller minded place on the planet you'd be hard to find.

    Back to Keith or Christine, there are literally thousands like  them walking the streets like zombies, no vision, no spark, no real use to anyone except consumerism, advertiser readers, no adventure at all, instilling in their little narrow minded offspring that being a lawyer or a doctor or an accountant is what success is, sad lifers in jobs handed to them decades ago,  but they are good at one thing, being selfish and small minding their little paths, and of course, supporting whatever sport allows them to feel part of a club. them to live varcariously through their scarves and beanies.

    Few individual minds  in Adelaide.  It's a club, and a very poor club.

    I pity any aborigines or First Nations that have anything to do with Adelaide "society" if you can call it  that.

    Source(s): lived there for 5 years which I'll never get back -what a waste
  • Luke
    Lv 7
    4 months ago

    Wasn't there a pandemic or something?

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  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    Welfare makes people soft.

  • 4 months ago

    Nothing. Nothing ever happens in Adelaide (except murders).

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