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Is it possible to develop fall allergies?

I’m a 24 year old man and I’ve had spring allergies since I was about 9. Usually I get burning eyes that will develop film over them (allergic conjunctivitis), get a stuffy nose and sneeze up to 40 times in a row (no exaggeration). For the last 14 years of my life I only ever got these symptoms in the spring, from early April thru early June. Summer, fall and winter I am usually 100% fine and allergy free, but THIS year for some reason I’ve been having those same symptoms all fall from October-Now in December. My parents thinks it may be because of me quarantining during the spring time and not really being outside, and that would make sense to me BUT... I accepted a new job in July working OUTSIDE and I still work there, yet my allergies didn’t even start to bother me until October. I’m just so confused as to what’s going on and wondering if anyone has a clue. Fall used to be my fav season but if I’m going to wake up sneezing with burning crusty eyes I may just end myself cuz I’m not suffering thru this year around until I’m a senior citizen. 

8 Answers

  • 4 months ago

    Certainly it is possible to get an allergy you didn't have before, or to lose one that you had.  Also, if your allergies are as bad as you say, it seems to be worthwhile trying to treat them.  If Loratidine doesn't work, you might got to the doctor.  They have other treatments.  

  • ?
    Lv 6
    4 months ago

    Yes.  It can be triggered by ragweed and the mold that forms on the dead leaves after it rains.  

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    Not sure what this has to do with Personal Finance.

    Try moving your question to Health.

  • Maxi
    Lv 7
    4 months ago

    So you suffer from hay fever, take some medication build up your immune system......thousands get it

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  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    personal finance?

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    Trump is good for Chinese business. The global chaos, uncertainty, and lack of trust he has created has been an absolute boon to China.

    Many of our former military and economic partners are jumping ship and creating trade agreements with former foes or newcomers. Europe has grown up and is questioning the rationale to continue with the North Atlantic Alliance. The USSR has collapsed and no longer poses a threat to Western Europe. Even staunch allies like Germany, are dealing ever more with Russia; China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the New Silk Road are opening markets and new opportunities for the nations of Central Asia, and doubling and tripling trade between China and Europe.

    All of it is happening because Trump in his finite wisdom thought he could beat China with embargoes and tariffs. plus, the whole world is seeing what a horrible person this guy is and would rather put their trust in someone else.

    Biden will come back to sound governing practices, exercise true diplomacy instead of bluster and bullying, will revive former trade alliances and take steps to make us more we have the trained and educated people we need to compete with China.

    China does not need a more diplomatic or reasonable approach from the USA in international trade and commerce. The worst thing for China right now, is for the USA to rebuild its reputation abroad and start drawing back some of its former allies and trade partners; start training its people to become more competitive, and become competent and reasonable in its treatment of nations currently courted by China, and start investing in Americans instead of the stock market. (Tax breaks for the rich is an investment in the stock market).

    Biden will be smart on China. He fully realizes that bullying and bluster are non-players with China. Biden knows how to create Win-Win situations in foreign policy.

    It is difficult to bend to your will, a nation of 1.4 billion people.

  • Tavy
    Lv 7
    4 months ago

    You obviously need an allergy test to see what is affecting you.

  • Robert
    Lv 7
    4 months ago

    Your body changes all though your life and allergies change as well.  

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