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Lv 4
Cee asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 4 months ago

Will the democrats be able to clean up the mess created by Trump and cons? ?

I guess it will take more than for years, the whole world has seen the fragility of America and Americans under Trump. 

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    Quite a challenge, because Trump and his underlings deliberately set out to screw everything up. Trump thinks small government means government of one, and that he could control Putin, while Putin and the Prince were playing him all along. 

  • Sandy
    Lv 7
    4 months ago

    Democrats ARE the "mess"!! Hillary only lost because she wanted to win on her own and not use the voting machines to cheat. Unfortunately she believed her own hype, and the lies created about poll numbers by the liberal mainstream media. they used the same tactic with Trump this election to give veracity to the fake loss. Hillary also arrogantly thought she had the black vote. (it's still true, you can't win POTUS without the black vote). She miscalculated and lost. When that happened Obama went to work creating the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people. Obama is behind all this. He made Biden the nominee, Harris his running mate and the voter fraud. Why else would Obama stay in DC? Obama is Biden's puppeteer!

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    As I was leaving today. I overheard the news saying something about Russians hacking something nuclear.

    We have bigger problems caused by the submissive will of his devoted dummies.

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    I’m confident Kamala can clean it up

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  • 4 months ago

    This is what Trump did:

    --Paid himself $1 of his salary. The rest was donated to charity.

    --Reduced regulations allowing small business to be more successful

    --Incentivized manufacturing businesses to return to the USA

    --Put tariffs on China, etc., allowing American companies to compete globally

    --Put just about all Americans to work generating the lowest unemployment for minorities and females in recorded history

    --Replaced the job-killing NAFTA treaty with the job-creating USMCA

    --Established a strong relationship with Israel along with moving our embassy to Jerusalem and solidifying the Golan Heights --and releasing dozens of hostages

    --Killing the Iran Nuclear Deal which posed a serious long term threat to our security

    --Defeating the ISIS Caliphate

    --Killing known terrorists posing a destabilizing threat to our troops in the Middle East

    --Brought our troops home from endless wars that found us policing distant lands

    --Organized peace treaties with Middle East countries and being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize

    --Jumping on the pandemic and stopping travel from China saving countless lives

    --Implemented Project Warp Speed with the Pharma community to develop a COVID-19 vaccine in record time

    --Exited the Paris Climate Accords so the U.S. doesn't have to pay for multiple country's climate programs

    --Got our GDP at an all time high

    --Unemployment at all time low

    --Lowest paid 25% Americans received a 4.5% income boost

    --Raised the HBCU funding from 80-85 million per year to 245-255 million per year

    --Entrepreneurship has have increased the first three years, surpassing the average rate for the previous two presidents

    --Women owned businesses increased by 1,800 each day in 2017 and 2018, outpacing the rate under Obama

    --Firms owned by women of color grew at double the rate of women overall

    --Lowered drug prescription costs by forcing rebates to go to the patient and not the middleman.

    Why would anyone want to undo this?

  • debra
    Lv 4
    4 months ago

    will you be able to clean up your room you pos lousy trolling fool.

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

         The tragedy of all this is, it isn't your fault that you believe the insanity you're regurgitating. You're a victim of the globally owned and controlled, mainstream media.

         I had search the cloud for a source that played the nonstop, daily meetings Trump called. 

         He gathered the finest, most productive minds from around the world to develop a strategy that would defeat Covid-19. Every day, TV crews caught every word of the meetings as they occurred, then the press conferences held afterward where actual journalists (in some rare cases) asked tough questions. 

         This was the structuring of Operation Warp Speed which is at the heart of financing for R&D, cutting through red-tape without risking safety and effectiveness, the distribution channels already in place weeks ahead of the first release, etc, etc, etc. 

         YOU were deprived this because  the anti-American media monolith worked tirelessly and spared no expense to keep it from you. 

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    We still haven’t cleaned up Bush’s mess. 

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