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Anonymous asked in TravelAfrica & Middle EastSaudi Arabia · 3 months ago

What types of colognes do middle eastern men prefer?

I'm not trying to be rude at all! I work at a car shop and we have a lot of middle eastern customers and alot of them have a very good smell, a very mild cologne smell that smells similar and amazing. 

Also, a guy I train with at my gym smells very similar and I asked him he said it's from Saudi Arabia where he gets his. I was wondering why types of colognes middle eastern men's prefer? I need my boyfriend to have it, like asap. 


Also, inside their cars always smell great. So I know it's probably a cologne they really like. Hopefully someone can give me an idea

1 Answer

  • Mintee
    Lv 7
    3 months ago

    here in Saudi. we get perfumes from all over the world... every single perfume sold in USA or Paris, or London, we get here.. we also get oriental perfumes, from Asian countries.. we have unique oils that are produced locally.. you name it, we have it.. 

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