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Julie asked in PetsDogs · 3 months ago

Dog is limping badly after park?

Patellar Luxation is when a dogs knee bone slips out of place due to a small dent in the bones. My vet said our dog has that but it’s so minimal that it shouldn’t be an issue. 

Today he went to the dog park and he ran a bunch. (He’s gone before and ran a lot too)

But today, a few hours after coming home, he started to fully limp and not use/lift his same leg with the Luxation. 

We have never seen him do that before. 

I’m trying to find out more info from similar problems in other peoples dogs in order to know what’s the next best move. 

And don’t comment “take him to the vet”, because obviously. But vets need appointments made, and aren’t always having time slots open every day. 

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    KGB, CIA, MI5/6, whatever intelligence service is to keep Jews in power and to kill those who rise up against Jews. Bishop Velimirovic said that Jews created capitalism, communism, freemasonry, strikes, internationalism, globalism, etc. to step on heads of Christians and to crush them; add Black Lives Matter, Q, Antifa, QAnon, KKK, etc. to this. Only WASP neighborhoods were trashed in NYC; when BLM leader announced that they was going to trash Jewish stores, they was arrested immediately. Similarly, Jews sponsored American Civil Rights Movement in order to step on throats of Christians and to crush them eventually. All the revolutions are sponsored by Jews. 9/11 false flag was to attack Iraq; Statue of Liberty false flag is to attack Iran. Heresy leads to loss of love; (according to saint Pelageya of Ryazan) Jews will not receive the unforgivable mark of the beast, but will make sure that all non-Jews will. If you reject mark of the beast, then ur direct ancestors go to heaven (according to saint Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov). Hide within a 10-15 people group (saints Gabriel Urgebadze and Seraphim of Sarov); no documents (documents r from satin; burn 'em all); no electronics (so that u won't be tracked; even old broken  unplugged 1970 tv set will show the antichristo using Tesla's ether). oh snap!!! here's the evil flying antichristo flying thru ma neck ov de woodz; hide ur kidz, hide ur wife, antichrist iz flyin' thru town; take ur glocks out and shoot dat son of a bytch down (he's an s-0-b 'cuz his mom is a 12th generation prostitute according to saint Lavrentiy of Chernigov); forgive me.

    Source(s): According to the Last Prophet (aka incarnated ARCHANGEL URIEL aka saint healer VYACHESLAV KRASHENINNIKOV) if the last descendant rejects mark of the beast, then his/her direct ancestors go to permanent heaven. To reject mark of the beast, one needs to hide within a 10-15 people group without electronics/documents. Documents are from Satan; burn them. Electronics can be used to track you and to show the antichrist (even on old broken unplugged TV set from 1970's using Tesla’s ether); reject all vaccines, tests, temperature scans, etc.; forgive me.
  • 3 months ago

    This could well be a ruptured cruciate ligament as a dog with a luxating patella has a very unstable knee and it often leads  to too much movement in the joint and the fraying and eventual rupture of the cruciate. 

    VETS for diagnoses if he isn't putting the foot down and make sure he does no jumping and running and so no walks and onlead to the garden for toiletting and that's it.   If it is what I think it could be then movement can also destroy the meniscus as well. 

    Keep him really calm and see if he puts the foot down within the next few hours.  Whatever happens here his exercise must be restricted from now on. 

  • 3 months ago

    Then you need to call now for an appointment & take the soonest appointment available.  Only a Vet can help you now.  There are no Vets on this site & no one, not even a Vet can examine your dog online.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 months ago

    If he has patella luxation, diagnosed by your vet, this has nothing to do with a small dent.   What happens is if the groves that should hold the patella in place are too shallow, it will slide ouit (luxation).   Many small dogs suffer with this (you see them hitching as they walk).   Surgery will usually correct this although whether or not that is possible would depend on the age of the dog and whether he will be able to be given a general anaesthetic.    If the patella has come out and hasn't gone back in (can't) then your dog is in trouble and so I am going to say GET IT SEEN AND TREATED BY YOUR VET.

    If he has no surgery slots available at the moment, then you must completely rest your dog (crate rest is best), only taking him out on a lead to empty, until your poor dog can be booked in for this corrective surgery.   Absolutely no 'running a bunch'.   I'm surprised your vet didn't discourage you from allowing that. 

    Amos is right re the involvement of the ligaments.

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  • Maxi
    Lv 7
    3 months ago

    The ONLY person who can help is the VET, so phone and get an appointment as nothing is going to change and the dog will continue to be in pain until you do

  • TK
    Lv 7
    3 months ago

    Luxation is seen in sterilized dogs and especially smaller breeds and mixes.  

    Don't let him jump down from furniture or try to go down steps.  Stop him and carry him.  Rest is best, so encourage him to have lots of crate time.   

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 months ago

    Your understanding of what the vet SAID is incorrect.  Your dog does not have this due to a "dent" in his leg bone.  Small & toy dogs who have very straight rear legs, OR who are bow-legged are often prone to luxating patellas (which are a DISLOCATED or OUT OF PLACE - knee cap).  It is allowed to move or "pop out of place" by the misaligned ligaments.

    Dogs who are out of shape or at all over-weight, can also have a luxating patella.  Dogs who do not exercise the same, every day (and that might be true in the case with ALL the running your dog got on this one specific day at the dog park) would be a prime candidate for this event. - It is like an out of shape,  "weekend warrior" who does too much yard work - and then can't get out of bed the next day.

    The patella has too much force placed on it when the leg bends, since the ligament is essentially attached wrong (often too much to the inside of the leg) rather than straight across the knee.  Technically, some dogs can mange to "pop it" back in place, by HYPER extending the leg - but I would not recommend you to do that.

    The dog may or may not be in any pain - despite not being able to use it, since it will not swing or move correctly, once it is DISLOCATED from the correct position.  

    Unfortunately, patella luxation predisposes the dog to OTHER leg injuries - like cruciate ligament injury (usually a ligament tear) which will require surgery (in most cases) to fix it.  If your vet did not TELL YOU that fact, you need to know it now, since there is no way to know if your dog has "just" patella luxation or a full or partial TEAR of the cruciate ligament = without an exam.  MY advice: complete crate rest until you see the vet or until the dog recovers (if it does) before your vet appt. time.

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

    Thanks for the explanation, but I'll comment any way I see fit.  I'm not the one posting the problem.

    Take him to the Vet.  MY dog has the same condition, and our VETERINARIAN (who "needs appointments made and isn't having time slots open every day") said NOT to let her over run OR she would eventually need surgery.  Perhaps medication can make a difference.  Perhaps it can't.  Perhaps surgery will be required.  Perhaps it won't.

    So sign up for one of those time slots -

  • 3 months ago

    That would be hard to determine. He could just be sore or have suffered another injury. If the dog doesn't seem to be in serious pain at the moment, just wait to see what happens (pain and limp continue) and make a decision from there.

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