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? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 3 months ago

In what way(s) is Haiti important to the U.S.?

should the U.S. be humbled?



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Lv7 - spoken by a true american patriot - "sir, I salute you"!

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3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    Operation  Uphold Democracy,  in 1994,   for one.  When there was some trouble and an attempt to overthrow their democratically elected president,  and a military junta briefly took over..... the US sent my Ship,  The USS Truxtun down there,  (from Seattle!)   to point our nukes at them, and they settled down right quick!

    We were actually in drydock, being de-commissioned at the time, and they halted everything,  re-fit the ship....... re-floated her, and off we went for one more last   joy ride,  thru the ditch over to Haiti.   Stopped off in GITMO and helped quelch a riot with all the refugees being held there, too,   who got fed up with their living conditions,  broke down a fence and Stormed the commissary and Navy Exchange. 

    On the way back, we ran across an adrift fishing boat,  with 3 guys barely clinging on to life......and saved their lives.  Their engine had conked out, and were adrift for days......with no supplies.  Current had carried them to the middle of nowhere. 

    Finally returned to Seattle, and decommissioned her good this time. 

    The last cruise of the USS Truxtun  CGN-35 

  • Dr. D
    Lv 7
    3 months ago

    Haiti isn't important to the USA, but the USA has a long history of meddling in Haiti. Why? Because when a country is close to America and filled with corruption and poverty, then it makes an ideal area for radical ideas such as communism. If the USA doesn't want Haiti to turn to communism then it meddles in its affairs, sends foreign aid, military assistance, and attempts to stabilize its failing government.  

  • 3 months ago

    Haiti is a useless country in all respects. Why we cared about their earthquake is beyond me. 

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