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Anonymous asked in Cars & TransportationCar MakesAcura · 3 months ago

2013 Acura TL Radio Fuse Blows?

I'm gonna be looking at a 2013 Acura TL that blows the radio fuse. I wasn't able to find a diagram showing what the radio shares the fuse with if anything. I'm looking for any helpful input or diagrams. I'm not sure what wires to look at or where they run. Could be a random occurrence or likely a mouse chewed a wire. Thanks in advance!

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

     Disconnect the power and ground wires to the radio, put a new fuse and if the fuse still blows, the power wires are shorted to ground.  You will need to find the short. 

    If the fuse does not blow, the radio is shorted and needs to be replaced.

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