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Why is Yahoo! Answers exclusively ignorant political spam and rants now?

I don't understand what the purpose is. It's just a bunch of "Anonymous" people posting a bunch of dumb nonsense to each other. What is the purpose? Is it bots?

9 Answers

  • Dr W
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    People stoned on pot and blue koolaid armed with molotov cocktails are quarreling with people drunk on red rye whiskey armed with guns.  Politicians who are trying to win votes from both parties blow the whistle and the brawl begins.

    Meanwhile, the US gov has put zillions out of work, promised them money to help them through tough times (and for their votes), has coughed up exactly $1800 to the lower earning 60% of households over an 11 month span, is allowing illegal immigrants into the country and is giving away tax dollars to foreign countries.  And they're planning on giving $2.5 trillion to college grads, $1.6 trillion to special interest groups, spending $10 trillion (at least) on mitigating global warming.  And to pay for this, they are raising property taxes, income taxes and sales taxes for all US citizens while telling the masses "the top 1% will pay for it all" (complete hogwash!).

    Toss in that we've been locked into our homes for 1 year, have to wear masks in public, have limited social interaction, can't travel on vacations, and have gangs running amok carjacking everyone at gunpoint, or committing armed home invasions while posing as utility workers.  And politicians in their quest for the "felon" votes, have decided to release suspected criminals on their on recognizance without even posting bail.  

    In the meantime, a black man in Minnesota speed balling on fentanyl and crystal meth, decides to steal cigarettes from a corner store by using counterfeit $20 bills.  And when the store clerk refuses to accept his fake bills, he jitters outside to his car and is too stoned to drive away.  So he sits there until the cops show up to arrest him.  During the arresting process, he struggles and dies NOT from police brutality, but from the stress put on his heart from drug overdose + arrest.  And up steps BLM to make him a martyr and burn, loot, shoot cities all across the US.  And our beloved politicians respond by "defunding the police".  

    oh.  And let's not forget.  Our politicians in another brilliant move have decided that if a boy in high school wants to dress like a girl, he can play on the girls sports teams and his records will stand.  Because there are more than 2 sexes in humans, there are 72 variations.

    <sigh> Why on Earth would you expect anything different?  

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    Note that the liberals/democrats never say anything factual or logical.  They simply feed each other with emotional content.  That is what you are seeing and complaining about.    The reasons are fairly simple.  One is if the leaders told the public what they intend to do, they would lose power.  That is how Trump came into being.  You had to have an Obama to have a Trump.  So, the powers that be are getting dirty and forced in a hapless front man for Obama.  The return of Obama with enforced control on the Trump types.  A second one is that liberals are really not constitutionalists.  They seem to be international communists, but it hasn't developed sufficiently enough to march under a red flag.  Give it a couple of years and you should see it.

  • 2 months ago

    I think it's teenagers who weren't breastfed as babies and now deliberately try to come up with the most ridiculous or offensive crap they can think of to try and get the attention they crave but missed out on.

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    The morons who were spending hours reading the orange shitstain delirium on twitter found themselves without anything to pace their furious masturbation sessions once the offensive traitor Trump was banned, so have decided to take over yahoo answer instead.

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  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    It's been this way since the Bush Administration. Are you new here?

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    At least some of them are bots. You see the same questions from the same users posted at the same time, day after day.

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    The wackos on the loony left ruined it.

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    Hey screw you libtard! MAGA, confederate flag, don't take our guns!!

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    It never had a purpose. It has always been like this. The alt right fake news and the moronic cult of Trump have just made it worse.

    Source(s): I've been using this site since Dubya was president.
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