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Is racism is so ingrained in America's DNA, how did Barack Obama get elected twice President of The United States?

Just curious

8 Answers

  • 1 month ago

    His mother was white and his father was Kenyan.  He had no African-American parents.  Neither did Colin Powell (both Jamaican) or Vice President Harris (one from Jamaica and one from India).  Come to think of it, aside from Mrs. Obama, has anyone with an African-American parent made it to a high position in the U.S. government?

  • Athena
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    AND why didn't anyone bring this up eight years ago?  Why is it only an issue lately?  

  • 1 month ago

    America is broken.  But the President is tying off loose ends. Obamas presidency brought forth a lot of what's happening now. Through no fault of his own.

  • PIE
    Lv 5
    1 month ago

    Because Liberals LIE when they Need it to promote their agenda.

    Good question; they will say that those that Didn't vote for Barry were the deplorable base that voted for Trump 2 times!

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    Groupthink brainwashing is perfected by the Democratic Party. They have ways of controlling Leftist minds that the Leftist is susceptible to. That definitely seems to be what we are witnessing. These people think it is virtuous to think America is racist as a country. But they don't notice when their own side does it, and they think it is normal to hate white people, while many Leftists are white. That is how unreasonable people think.

    Attachment image
  • Susie
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    Racism isn’t just on one side, as you can see from the other responses.  As a matter of fact, reality shows that the left have WAY MORE racists in their ranks than the right. But you can’t ever get a lib to see the truth.  They are too brainwashed.  

  • Shawn
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    White liberal\leftist guilt.  The half black Marxist messiah known as Obama was quite literally voted into office for exactly that reason:  His half blackness.  Even though he was given the Nobel Peace Prize for simply existing he still was a failure as all true believer indoctrinated anti-American libs\leftists always are and always will be.  I have been called a 'racist' for not voting for Obama many times by many libs\leftists and my response has always been that I can only be 'half racist' since Obama is only half black.  This always confuses the libs\leftists.  

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 month ago

    Sarah Palin & Mitt Romney are a couple of reasons. 

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