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Lv 5
? asked in TravelMexicoOther - Mexico · 4 weeks ago

Is Mexico a popular travel destination during April (Spring break week)?

Pretty sure we're going... We're going to the beaches/coast for the most part of the trip.. I mean with COVID things could look a lot different, but generally is Mexico a popular spring break destination ??/

1 Answer

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, some of the resorts are open, and I know people who have gone. I was surprised- I thought the Mexicans didn't want people from the US because of our COVID rate. Check on the resort you want to stay in, and see if there are quarantine requirements. There probably aren't going to be as many other students there. Many colleges are not giving a spring break, in order to keep students from bringing back COVID (likely caught from each other, not the staff at the resorts). 

    BTW- at my university, spring break was in March when we had one. I don't know how many schools have spring break as late as April. 

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