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What is Hollywood's idea of the vilest villain?

Bald, scarred, tattooed, short half Russian/English man with a thick Chinese accent!

What are your ideas?

1 Answer

  • Dick
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago
    Favorite Answer

    I used to watch cowboy movies right after WWII. Then I started wondering "what did those Indians do to deserve being killed"?  I watched as the "bad guys" were gunned down by superior firepower and no due process. I started to have empathy for the villains in movies. These people had been abandoned and/or wronged by society, and were criminals as a result of having not other choices. Soon Dirty Harry and his ilk started looking like the vilest villains in Hollywood. John Wayne was a serial killer and vigilante.  Chuck Norris violated more people's rights that the entire NYC police department.

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