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Would this be rude?

I am a lodger, my landlady is in the house 24/7 and she is noisy as F, making random distracting noises such as slamming doors, stamping around, very loud coughing and throat clearing, clattering dishes, and using the bathroom every 30 minutes(which is adjacent to my bedroom)... usually I just turn music on and tune out.

However, I have a 4 hour zoom interview in a few days and i'm afraid the noises will ruin my concentration and maybe annoy the interviewers.

Would it sound rude if I text her with something like "Hi, just to let you know I have an important interview on such'n'such day, between x hour and x hour" ?


She's previously told me to keep the noise down when I was making breakfast in the kitchen while she was in a zoom meeting in her office(adjacent to kitchen)

Update 2:


"Perhaps you need to find an alternative location to Zoom. "

I would love to, but it is kind of hard during full lockdown.

3 Answers

  • 1 week ago

    No, I don't think it'll exactly be rude to text her that. In fact, I probably would do around the same thing as you if I were in that situation. However, I'd be more formal; I might start with, "Hello, [her name]" or "Good Morning/Evening, [her name]" then "l have a Zoom interview on [Month, Day] between [x]:00-[x]:00. Thank you very much, [your name]." It should be implied to her.

  • Pearl
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    i would just do the interview somewhere else

  • 1 week ago

    It wouldn't be rude to ask her to be considerate at a specific time in the future, but if you know that you can't count on having a noise free existence in your present living situation, it would be irresponsible for you to expect anything to change.  Perhaps you need to find an alternative location to Zoom.  

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