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Lv 5
Kathy asked in Society & CultureEtiquette · 10 hours ago

Would this be insisting?

Lily is a thin-skinned classmate of Doug. She wants to see his photo, so she asks him if she can do so. Doug's been keeping it covered because he feels really self-conscious of how his turned out. And he's a private person. In order to avoid hurting her feelings, he tries to politely decline by warning her that almost nothing can be seen due to him inadvertently having his thumb in the way. She whines, “I don’t care!” Since Lily has refused to take no for an answer in the past, he reluctantly shows her.

Would this be insisting on seeing the photo?

1 Answer

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 hours ago

    I think so, because Lily demands that she HAS TO or MUST see the photo, regardless of what Doug says.... 

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