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William asked in PetsCats Ā· 5 days ago

Can I safely use food coloring or pet fur dye to differentiate my identical twin kittens?

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14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 days ago

    Don't you dare put any sort of dye on them. You could give them different coloured collars. But if you really love them you will notice heir differences as others have said.

  • 4 days ago

    They are not identical. However, if you know of a product called "pet fur dye" then you answered your own question.

  • 4 days ago

    Those are not identical. They have different facial markings and coat patterns.

  • They aren't identical !!

    You're going to be in trouble if you have identical twins yourself - aren't you??

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  • 5 days ago

    Most cats will come when called. Why donā€™t you just call one and see what happens. I also agree with one of the previous answers, they arenā€™t identical, so maybe just get used to the different stripes each has on their face. As well Iā€™m sure they each have their own individual personality, that should help you to tell them apart as well.Ā 

    Iā€™m not a big proponent of collars on animals. Iā€™ve seen too many get cats get stuck on stuff and some have even died while the owner wasnā€™t home. So I wouldnā€™t recommend collars. A dab on one ear if you still canā€™t differentiate would be fine.Ā 

  • 5 days ago

    They're not identical.Ā  Look at the 'M' on the forehead.Ā  One has taller 'humps' to the M.Ā  The other's are shorter, with the stripes coming together sooner.Ā  And seems darker from the picture.Ā  Ā Plus the taller humped M cat seems to have a more angular face.Ā Ā 

    You could try different color COLLARS.

  • 5 days ago

    Food coloring is fine. Cat safe dye is fine. I would keep it to a small area to make it easy to wash so you don't stress them out too much. Breakaway collars will work too. I used to use colored sharpies on mice tails to tell them apart. I would assume it would be fine for cats too. Put dots in their ears.Ā 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    A tab of color will do.

  • 5 days ago

    Lovely cats. You should buy cat collars for them with identity tags.

  • 5 days ago

    Yes you can I often do that with my hens and chickens I paint them with different colorsĀ 

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