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Anonymous asked in Education & ReferenceTeaching · 3 days ago

Should the mom contact the teacher?

If her 7-year-old daughter who almost never talks to her were to suddenly walk up to her to tell her that her teacher gets mad at her for crying.

Her teacher from the previous year was disrespectful to the child's mom and always complained about the crying; the current teacher (the one who the little girl is talking about) is insanely nice to the girl's mom but never complained about the everyday crying. And the child never mentioned her teacher from last year getting mad at her for crying.

Should the mom say something to the teacher about what her daughter suddenly told her or just not think much of it?

3 Answers

  • 2 days ago

    You need to discuss this with the teacher- as an ally, not in an accusing way. It's true that 7 year olds can be sensitive, and the cry "No one likes me" is pretty common at this age. But you say your daughter cried every day at school last year, too. That's not normal. You need to find out what happens to trigger the crying. And did you really mean that your 7 year old rarely talks to YOU? Most 7 year old girls talk their heads off. You really ought to consider seeing a counselor. 

  • 3 days ago

    the 7 year old needs therapy, or at least diagnosis as to why this happens.  Normal 7 year olds are happy, sunny kids.  [I've 30 something different once upon a time 7 year olds in our extended family]. -- great grampa

  • 3 days ago

    Why has the cause of crying not been looked into?  At 7 years old, she looks as if she is trying to tell you something but doesn't have the words.  I would talk to the teacher to find out when and why she cries at school and see if you both can't come up with a solution.

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