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Anonymous asked in Social ScienceDream Interpretation · 3 days ago

I had a dream about being stalked through my phone. What could it mean?

For some context into my conscious life, I recently got a new phone because I broke my old one.

In the dream, I was lying on the same bed I was sleeping on, just tapping away on my new phone when I started to hear the camera shutter sound from my phone and quickly covered my cameras. I thought it was just some accidental glitch at first and thought that "It's a new phone, there's no way it's like that" but after a couple more shutters I realised it was a camera sound. During that, I saw my mother just walk by my window and she smiled at me. 

After that, the phone describes my room and the scene in detail, talking about where everything in the room is and even going as far as to describe my mom after she smiled at me.

Now I know this is an irrational fear, and a lot of my horror dreams often have something to do with someone interfering with my personal computer or phone and somehow stalking me through it or putting malware on it. What could that symbolise?

Updated 3 days ago:

*nightmares instead of horror dreams

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    21 hours ago

    It means nothing.  The other day I had a dream that I was sitting on the toilet taking a dump behind the desk of my veterinarian who was dealing with a loan applicant's paperwork in her bank inside the grocery store in full view of the checkouts, and to wash my hands I had to go around the counter in my friend's kitchen to get to the sink.  What could that mean?

  • Shiloh
    Lv 6
    2 days ago

    Nightmares are the unconscious' way of alerting you to danger. These types of dreams are meant to shake you awake and warn you of serious conditions in your life which need tending to. 

    This particular dream highlights trust issues which are not allowing you to live a peaceful or contented life. 

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