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Anonymous asked in Social ScienceDream Interpretation · 22 hours ago

Can blind people see their dreams?

3 Answers

  • 20 hours ago

    Yes, but it is a different kind of sight.  It is like a kind of inner knowing.  Visions don't come to them unless they had sight before they went blind.  Then they would be able to pull from their previous vision images and  use them in dreams to tell a story. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    21 hours ago

    People who started out life with eyesight and went blind later in life do have sight in their dreams.  Those who were born blind and have no concept of eyesight do not see in their dreams and instead experience dreams with the other senses.  When the brain's visual cortex isn't used for sight it gets repurposed for other processing functions, usually enhancing perception of the world through hearing (people who have been blind since birth basically "see" the world with sound, like the way a bat uses sonar).

  • Zirp
    Lv 4
    22 hours ago

    those who weren't born blind, yes

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