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Anonymous asked in HealthDiseases & ConditionsInfectious Diseases · 2 days ago

Why is the Coronavirus vaccine higher demanding than the flu vaccine?

Not many people get the flu shot every year. Some do, some don't because many are afraid to get. But with the Coronavirus vaccine, everyone is running out and getting it! It's so high in demand! Why is that?

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 days ago

    Not every one wants to get covid and possibly die from it. 

    It's the same thing as the flu. Covid is more contagious and deadlier then the flu.

    Some people are scared of possibly getting a bad reaction to the vaccine or the flu shot. 

  • 2 days ago

    Let's look at Canada.  Normally, 38,000  people get the flu every year.  Last year, just 64 people got it, thanks to all the health measures being taken to fight Covid.

    However, 1 in 40 Canadian have gotten Covid anyway, despite all the measures taken, and 2.5% of them have died. Covid is WAY more dangerous than the flu!  So, people are clamouring for the shots, which are in short supply.

  • Anonymous
    2 days ago

    Most people have some natural immunity against the flu.  Most people aren't that concerned about catching the flu.

    COVID is NEW and NO ONE has ANY level of immunity.

    The death rate from COVID is also higher than the death rate from the flu.

    No one has had a vaccine in the past - so, potentially, everyone needs to get a vaccine.  This is creating HUGE immediate demand for the vaccine.  The flu vaccine has been around for YEARS, so people who want that vaccine just stop by a local pharmacy or ask their doctor for it right before flu season begins.  

  • PW
    Lv 4
    2 days ago

    Because of the media, remember most commercials during news broadcasts are from pharmaceutical companies. Vaccines are one of the biggest markups for profits. People who get COVID have a 99 percent survival rate. Getting the vaccine does not guarantee you won’t get COVID. So one has to ask oneself, is it really imparitive  to get a vaccine that takes 1 percent. How many people die from the flue. Overdose alcoholism etc.. I find it ironic that liquor stores remained open during the outbreak because alcohol weakens the immune system. 

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 days ago

    Because the death rate is so much higher with COVID. That should be easy to understand. We lose, in the worst years, up to 30,000 people from the flu- mostly older people with underlying conditions. We have lost more than HALF A MILLION people from COVID. That's more than 16 times the number of people who die of the flu. Does it not seem reasonable to you that people would take stronger action against a higher risk? 

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