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Are those prices high for wholesale? ?

Lularoe skirt for $15. 

The Limited skirt for $15.

Saint + Secrets dress for $23. 

WHBM pants for $27. 

Club Monaco skirt for $23. 

Tea N Rose vest for $27. 

Freeway dress for $27. 

Max Studio top for $23. 

En Focus Studio dress for $23. 

Trixxi dress for $27. 

Alfred Angelo dress for $22. 

Bebe skirt for $27. 

Bar III skirt for $26. 

Lululemon tops for $26 & $30. 

Nike polo shirt for $22. 

Nike tank top for $22. 

Nike pants for $25. 

Nike top for $15. 

Nike top for $28. 

Nike polo for $15. 

Nike short sleeve top for $16. 

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