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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsOther - Family & Relationships · 22 hours ago

Why do people find me intimidating? Is it because of how I look or something?

I have a face that looks stressed, tired and angry. I'm depressed most of the time and I just hate my own life. But I don't understand why other people think I have a problem with them. I had an incident where 3 girls attacked me because they thought I was trying to mess with them. I had another incident where a grown 6'1 man asked me what my problem was because I just made a quick eye contact. I don't understand why people won't mind their own business. I definitely don't have staring problems. I mind my own business at all costs and I never try to start stuff with people. What is their problem? Is it the way I look?

Updated 22 hours ago:

I'm a 25 yr old single woman. I don't get involved with anyone or anything. I have no friends or family and I live alone. I'm always either at work or at home. I never cause any problems. 

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