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Anonymous asked in Beauty & StyleOther - Beauty & Style · 12 hours ago

Why do people think it's racist to think White women are prettier than Black women?

It's not racist, it's just my opinion and uncontrollable preference. Everyone has different opinions

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 hours ago

    I think white women are sluts and just want to have fun but not all because they are good and bad. Half of these women get preggo at the age of 16 or want to just have fun then when they go for bad boys, they call all guys dogs and shallow. Look at the divorce rate in western countries? Its very high compared to other countries ( Asian countries, African countries)

    Source(s): Dumb white women who do this are idiots
  • Anonymous
    11 hours ago

    I think you should die that's what I think.

  • Anonymous
    12 hours ago

    I think white men are prettier than black men too.

  • Who are you trying to convince? Yourself? 🌺

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  • Anonymous
    12 hours ago

    It's actually most people opinion that White women are prettier than Black women.

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