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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureRoyalty · 13 hours ago

Why on earth did Meghan agree to marry into the royal family in the first place if it's so horrible?

It's not hard to tell from a distance that the queen is an insufferable, racist b i t c h. 

Yes, she might love Harry, but wouldn't the possibility of becoming part of the royal family put most of the population off from even dating him? Could you imagine putting up with that monster in law for the rest of your life?

I'm not sure how Harry is going to feel years down the line after breaking it off with his family, but that is something he will supposedly need to come to terms with on his own, especially if his marriage with Meghan lasts or not (normal people divorce all the time, royalty is no exception)!

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 hours ago

    Just run away troll and learn the real truth instead of making up a load of rubbish.

  • Anonymous
    3 hours ago

    Wanted her beefcake and eat it.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 hours ago

    The Royal family are not horrible or racist, its the odious narcissist Markle that is truly horrible, but Harry is too thick to see it, she married him to boost her already failed acting career and to enhance her public profile and satisfy her inflated ego.       

  • Anonymous
    11 hours ago

    I have no personal knowledge that the Queen is a racist *****; I wonder why you think you do?

    However, to answer your question, presumably the Duchess of Sussex had no reason to believe that marrying into the British royal family would come with a lot of downsides.  Even research would not necessarily have communicated that, and like a lot of women would be, she was probably starry-eyed and dazzled. After all, she wasn't -- unlike Prince Harry's mother -- marrying a man she barely knew and who had been involved in a long affair with a married woman. Harry was obviously mad about her, so why shouldn't everything be smooth sailing after a period of adjustment to a new life and country?

    She didn't reckon with British tabloid culture among other things. How could she have done so?  You need to be very, very familiar with the UK to know what you're facing there.

    And racism in the UK has a different character than it does in the US, owing to a different history. Part of the problem was simply that she is American, and there is a knee-jerk anti-Americanism endemic in British culture.  If she'd been biracial and British, her experience would still have been problematic but different.

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  • Anonymous
    12 hours ago

    How ignorant and poorly informed you are!

    Try reading credible,unbiased BOOKS written by historians, and not gossip fodder written by biased tabloid workers who don't deserve to be called reporters or "experts."

    The Queen is not racist, nor is Charles, by the way. Both are eager to work and learn from people of all stripes.

    Meghan admitted that she did not do her homework about the royal life and problems that she could encounter....something she shared with Diana. If she had, she and Harry possibly could have worked with the Queen, Charles, the more informed among palace courtiers, to ward off the tabloid racist trolls---News paper and magazine editors could have disabled comments about the couple, both pro- and hateful, ignorant, racist, xenophobic vitriol spewed by impotent, fearful, stupid people,for one. Palace workers could have been trained to recognize their subconscious bias towards not just people of color, but to people from different countries...

    Hopefully, things can calm down, solutions can be found, the marriage lasts, but divorce is quite common and would be no surprise...

    What is important is that the people who ARE involved, not onlookers who have NO IDEA about what is really happening, can find solutions that bring about a positive end.

  • 13 hours ago

    Quite right to post this nonsense anonymously; I am not a royalist necessarily, but you make statements of which you are clearly ignorant. 

    Calling people you have never met (or come close to meeting and knowing) is immature and ignorant. You seem to be very gullible - believing what you read in the gutter press and trying to guess whether people on television are speaking with accuracy doesn't seem to me to be very intelligent.  

    Such surface judgements are seldom remotely accurate.

    The mind is like a parachute: only works when open. 

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