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Luv asked in Entertainment & MusicHoroscopes · 13 hours ago

Why is it that, the whole time Capricorn and Leo was right about you...and you were wrong about them?

Why are Capricorn and Leo intuitive/sensitive?

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 hours ago

    No, I don't think so. It has nothing to do with their Sun signs. Not all Leos and Capricorns are the same. Virgos are analytical, they are often right about something, so you should ask them. Most Leos and Capricorns are not good at judging others.

  • Janet
    Lv 7
    11 hours ago

    If they are inuitive/sensitive, it is NOT because of their Sun Sign, but because of how Neptune aspects any of the other 9 "planets" in the person's unique personal natal chart.  Sometimes the Moon can give indicates, but the first place to look is Neptune.

    Do up THEIR birthchart, based on the day-month-year of birth, the EXACT minute and hour or birth, and the birthplace (or longitude/latitude).What you find using only the month-day of birth is just the SUN Sign, and all that indicates is how the person seeks to feel whole inside, to feel self-fulfilled with who they are.  The Sun does not give any information about intuition or sensitivity.

    Sun sign "astrology" is only for fun .. don't try to draw conclusions from it.  It is only useful for making money for those who write about Sun Signs.

  • Anonymous
    12 hours ago

    Lol.. This person is super twisted and probably the narcadistic one who acuses everyone else of being. Such trash... Human trash.. Byyye.

    Maybe they have empathy and arent heartless and soulles and can relate with otgers and understand their pain.

    Lol... Selfish trash villian... Ohhh.. This person was the biggest stslker ever! Ewww... Shes with him know?? Lol.. Honestly what fukcing pure garbage this person is. With her pink shirt... Stupid teisted backwards bully pos... This persons so fake.. Enjoy beinf with your friendemy crowd.. And for the record I never liked you.. And never will either so dont think that will ever change cause it wont. Just keep sleeping with all my enemies.. And harrassing me all day long for years like this pos has been doing.. Fukc this b itch.. Stay away from me you pos villian...

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