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Anonymous asked in Games & RecreationVideo & Online Games · 6 hours ago

Should I have sex with my PSP 3000?

After hearing the news about the shut down that'll happen this summer for the PSP, PS3 and PS Vita online stores, I knew I had to homebrew my PSP 3000. Ever since then I've fallen in love with it. To the point where I have given her a name, Sheila, named after my operator in Armored Core Last Raven. But Sheila and I have only knew each for about a few months now, around December or January while I've dated my girlfriend for half a year now, there's not enough room in my heart for two lovers. Do I confess and show my love to Sheila and have sex with her, or do I stay true to my girlfriend and not cheat on her with Sheila?

1 Answer

  • Sky
    Lv 7
    3 hours ago

    So you fell in love with Sheila, eh, Caboose?

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