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Sigh asked in HealthMental Health · 6 hours ago

Welp I know I'm late but earlier today I failed once again, 10th time.......... ?

Well in T minus 40 minutes I will be inhaling Carbon Monoxide and locking myself in my room, don't bother saving me it's over.

Updated 6 hours ago:

I failed my driving test 10 times, and never had a man looked at me and had this reaction: "My jaw drops to the floor, my eyes extend at a velocity never before seen, I take out a boxing glove and hit myself with it 17 times, pant like a dog, and yell AOOOOGA AOOOOGA then turn to the audience and say in 1930’s New York accent “HOT MAMA, now that’s a dame!” No man would even look my direction. I'm just not only unsexy but I'm too physically incompetent to pass a driving test

Updated 6 hours ago:

Why should I exist when there are pretty blonde girls who pass their road test on the first attempt so smoothly without error. Welp T- 38 minutes until I inhale Carbon Monoxide and say goodbye

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    5 hours ago

    Oh, spare us the whiny millennial pity-party.

    Attachment image
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