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Sigh asked in HealthMental Health · 6 hours ago

I'm killing myself in T-36 minutes because I failed my driving test for the 10th time today and also because I would never be as desirable ?

desirable as this girl below, who not only passed on her first try, but has warranted this reaction out of a guy: My jaw drops to the floor, my eyes extend at a velocity never before seen, I take out a boxing glove and hit myself with it 17 times, pant like a dog, and yell AOOOOGA AOOOOGA then turn to the audience and say in 1930’s New York accent “HOT MAMA, now that’s a dame!” meanwhile guys wouldn't even look my direction and why should they? I'm an ugly Korean who can't even drive who i sonly good at takig some nerd tests, meanwhile, this girl is a petite, fit athletic blonde who drives fast cars and zooms past me as I sulk at the bus stop. Why should I exist when girls like her already do? Well in T-35 minutes Carbon Monoxide is gonna in the lungs

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2 Answers

  • 4 hours ago

    Koreans are very pretty :)

  • Anonymous
    5 hours ago

    Now I understand why YA is shutting down. If trolling has stooped this low, they have no alternative.

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