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Have you had your "FAUCI OUCHIE" yet? Do you 'trust the science' that changes with each passing day?

8 Answers

  • Ivan
    Lv 6
    9 hours ago

    Yes I have. I am a firm believer in vaccinations. I grew up in the polio years and I saw first hand how vaccines eliminated that scourge from the country. I hope for the same results with covid 19, and variants.

  • 10 hours ago

    People who still believe that the sun is Apollo's fire chariot or that the Earth is flat have no grasp that real-world Science, based on observation and experimentation, evolves. Each "change" brings us closer to the Truth.

  • Anonymous
    10 hours ago

     One trick brain....

    Attachment image
  • Anonymous
    11 hours ago

    Science does not change.

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  • 11 hours ago

    Vaccines have always been pseudo-science just like homeopathy.  The "hard evidence" of them actually working are simply the opinion of the doctors whose job depends on it working. But statistically the diseases they are supposed to prevent were on their way out by the time the vaccinations are completed anyway.

  • 11 hours ago

    Had it. Like the flu vaccine, its a requirement for hospital staff.

  • 11 hours ago

    I don't have any trouble following "the science". It's really not terribly difficult at all.


    I encourage you to try it yourself, son, you just might like it!!!  lol

  • Anonymous
    11 hours ago

    When you need to see a doctor and one day you will don't trust science, see Big Ernie at the gas station instead he will take care of your medical issues 

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