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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsSingles & Dating · 1 day ago

Should I just delete and move on? or confront?

So I started speaking to this man. He was someone I had know for a really long time.

Over the first few months we were texting a lot, he would ask e about my day, start conversations etc. It got to the point where he called me out and said that I needed to meet him otherwise he had no interest in continuing to talk because the idea of it was messing with his head. I gave in and went to meet him. When I was there it was chill, we hung out and it was pretty clear he wanted to do more. He initiated all of the sexual stuff and it resulted in us doing the deed. I then insisted I needed to go home and he then insisted on dropping me. 

He then continued to text me.... 

its now been a year and we have not met up, we haven't done anything sexual again and there has been little to no flirting but there is a lot texting, instagramming and talking virtually on apps. 

He meets his friends nearly every weekend but has never invited me to any of these social interactions. 

I just feel used. I feel like he is using me for attention and his ego and that he doesn't really care for me. I am conflicted as to whether I should confront him on this or whether its even worth the effort and to just stop replying to his messages. 

Updated 1 day ago:

So to provide some context this guy has been a really good friend of mine for YEARS 

He texts me - I dont actively start conversations. 

I also didn't know there was "no possibility of meeting up again" because up to date he had been very clear in saying he wanted to be more (hence feeling used because he said what he had to in order to get his needs met)

3 Answers

  • T J
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    Just go and block him.

  • 1 day ago

    The best way to get back at someone who might be USING YOU or USED you, is to ask him about other guys.  Once he knows he has competition and could lose you, his arrogance disappears.

  • 1 day ago

    Why do you feel used? You should’ve dropped this guy after he decided to cross boundaries way too quickly for your liking. You continued to text him even though there was no possibility of meeting up again. You wasted your time. I’m sorry this happened to you, but I’d never waste this much energy on a guy. Take the L . It was just a hook up. He sounds like a total F boy, and I wouldn’t want to be involved with someone like that. Don’t waste your time 

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