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Will marriages last longer if you find that your partner is equally as intelligent as you are?

Updated 10 hours ago:

Oops I'm answering my own question in error!

Updated 10 hours ago:

Bill - You are stereotyping again, you always assume that every single woman in every single relationship is motivated by money.  The truly intelligent amongst us, believe that whom a person is, is always superior to how much they earn.  When I first met my Husband, he was unemployed.  Then he always earned less than me, until we became Parents, then I went Part Time and my pay froze, and he progressed in his career, whereas mine was on hold.  He still earns more than me!

Updated 10 hours ago:

On paper my Husband is more intelligent than me, though I don't class myself as unintelligent, I tend to think outside the box and find solutions that other people have never considered. We've been together for a very long time (in my view!). We are different and similar too, ha ha.

7 Answers

  • Define intelligence. Do you think humans are more intelligent than animals? That's not intelligent. Marriage is gross like church and military. That I can answer.

  • Elana
    Lv 7
    23 hours ago

    Intelligence is NOT a number.

    People excel at different things, and the idea that one might have emotional intelligence vs. intellectual intelligence is just the tip of the iceberg.

    But sure, if one person is (either deliberately or inadvertently) humiliating the other, or of one person is boring the other, over time, the relationship doesn't stand much of a chance.

  • 24 hours ago

    There are different ways of being intelligent. If you're talking about both being able to answer Jeopardy questions, that's just one kind. Men often disparage the kinds of knowledge and wisdom that women have about people, children, and the "intuitive" responses that are actually a result of better communications between the right and left sides of the brain in women. 

  • Foofa
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    They don't necessarily have to be as intelligent as long as they share the same values, attitudes and life goals as you do. 

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    Nope. Marriages that last the longest are those where the man earns more and is more intelligent than the woman. Of course, with many women not really needing men anymore the motivation for men to marry at all is disappearing. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    That's an interesting question.  I mean, if you're equally clever but have different values it won't work.  Having thought about it/ observed it/lived it, I've come to the somewhat depressing conclusion that a woman can't have a successful relationship with a less intelligent man.  The couple will come to resent each other and once that blooms into full contempt it gets ugly.  The level of education in this case is not so important though so long as the intelligent man in question is secure in himself and his level of competence.  I've known many whip smart working class men like this who make excellent husbands.

    The flipside is that certain men intentionally marry much stupider women and are happy in their pairing so long as he values his wife for what she does bring to the relationship, and being able to "switch off" the analytical side at home is a large part of the attraction.  Women are much more likely to want to show off and big up their man's accomplishments than men, even the ones who aren't so gauche as to overtly show off their wife's looks seldom bang the drum for her in the same way.  Whenever a man does show off his wife's achievements he definitely rises in my estimation.  Sadly, many men treat intelligent and accomplished women as rivals, not as co-architects of the relationship.  I'm not really sure of how this dynamic works in same sex relationships though.  In general I'm increasingly impatient with sloppy thinkers.

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    There;s not many smart men out there.

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