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Rape is a crime alright, but is intercourse after seducing okay?

What if the consent takes place midway (after a little coaxing and use of force)?

6 Answers

  • 5 days ago
    Favorite Answer

    If the person your raping doesn't want to have sex with you, then it's rape.  If someone jumped me, if I thought I stood a chance of getting away without dying I'd fight, but if they were much stronger (physically) or had a weapon, most likely I'd just lie still and wish it was over asap.  Just cos' some victims play dead, doesn't mean they want to have sex with you.

  • 4 days ago

    Use of force is never okay.  What is wrong with you?

  • Anonymous
    4 days ago

    So in your fantasy consent takes place midway. Your fantasy is wrong. Rape is forced sex and it's never "okay."

  • Anonymous
    5 days ago

    If it starts out as rape its still rape. I doubt anyone would change their mind and decide to consent halfway through but even if they did it was still rape. Its always rape when someone forces themself on someone else. 

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  • RoVale
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    There are people who think that it's not rape unless the victim cries out or is beaten up.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    "Rape is a crime alright, but is intercourse after seducing okay?"

    Yeah ... so many questions regarding the idea of consent, right?  And you're just touching the tip of the iceberg.  This is precisely why there is no universally agreed upon idea regarding consent to sex.  It is just so primal a human behaviour, that we don't have any idea of how to codify it into law.  It's just not that simple, and it's never going to be agreed upon universally.

    And this is exactly why the entire incident must be dragged through court, detail by painful detail.  Because a jury of diverse peers are going to be the one's making the final legal decision on such trivial details based on their life experience and what they think is fair.  There is just no other way to get around this intrusive need to know the details when we are talking about rape ... especially this type where "consent" was given at the beginning, but then things change somewhere along the line.  

    And the feminist bullying of these issue does nobody, no good at all.  Their simple ideas are so radically gynocentric, that they speak for very few people in reality.  A full on discussion IS required where they may be granted a seat at the table.  But they will be one of many voices there, as this is a human issue for all of us, and not na ideolgical feminist issue for them to monopolize.


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