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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 15 hours ago

When you calmly and confidently inform a right wing racist of the fact that he has lost, and he launches into a racist tirade, disregard him?

4 Answers

  • 15 hours ago
    Favorite Answer

    I ignore them for the most part and have for years.

  • 15 hours ago

    No I didn't see that when Trump lost.  But I did see a lot of lefties crying, then rioting, then vandalizing other people's property and then looting department stores and then smashing cars with baseball bats when Hillary lost.

  • Kate
    Lv 6
    15 hours ago

    Don't waste your energy. They will not even try to understand until trump admits he lost. That isn't going to happen so they're never going to get it.

  • L.F.
    Lv 7
    15 hours ago

    Yeah until he rams your eyeball out with a flag.

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