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Anonymous asked in Cars & TransportationInsurance & Registration · 1 day ago

If I was injured in a car accident, but the other people in my car were not, will that reduce my settlement amount?

I was recently in a car accident.  The other driver was at fault.  I was injured, but my passengers were not.  Will this call the severity of my injuries into question, in the mind of the other driver's insurance company?


I did not need to be hospitalized (just went to the ER, and not by ambulance), I was conscious after the accident, and the police report says no injuries to any parties.  Will the insurance company use this to diminish the severity of my injuries?

Updated 1 day ago:

jimanddottaylor - Good point about insurance fraud.  That explains why insurers have their guard up and scrutinize things.  But even if they saw an ER bill, would they try and argue that the injury was pre-existent?  I can see the insurer saying "I know he went to the ER, but I'm not sure that was a result of the accident, because the passengers weren't hurt, and the passengers were closer to the point of impact."  Is this something that they would do?

Updated 1 day ago:

A hunch - I do not keep posting this "over and over".  Where are you seeing these other questions?  Why is it safe to surmise that I'm the one who caused the accident?  Were you there to see it?  And where did you get the info about $25k coverage?  I did not post any information about insurance coverage.  So why are you fabricating lies?

Updated 4 hours ago:

May - I am NOT asking this question "again and again".  I asked ONE other different question about the same accident.  So no, I will not look at your answer to some other similar question that someone may have asked.  Either answer the question here or don't respond.  I don't understand why it is so difficult for people to just answer the f*cking question that is being asked without whining that others may have asked a similar question.

4 Answers

  • May
    Lv 6
    9 hours ago

    Look back and read my answer the first time you asked this question.  Why are you asking the same question again?  Is it because you didn't like the answers?  

  • 1 day ago

    Make a claim for whatever amount you think is fair.  Claims adjusters use anything they can to beat down claims.  (retired claims adjuster)

  • 1 day ago

    You keep posting over and over.

    Sometimes you are the person who caused the accident

    And sometimes you are the person that was in the accident caused by the other person.

    I think it's pretty safe to surmise that you are the one that caused the accident with only $25K of insurance.

    The injuries are not reduced simply because the person didn't go to the hospital immediately, the police report doesn't address any injuries or that others weren't injured. 

    I hope you have upgraded your insurance so that the next accident you are at fault at doesn't place you on the brink of BK. 

  • 1 day ago

    Insurance companies have been taken advantage of by scammers many times, so they will look at the police report and wonder.   But I would think that the ER report would be conclusive.  

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