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How would I interpret this short dream I had?

I had a dream that I get up from my bed and open a window which has grills. I saw a man standing at the other side of the window, I could not see his face. Then he holds my both the arms from his hands from the other side of the grill and lift me up. He was lifting me up in the air and I felt scared. Then suddenly I got up from my sleep. What does this dream mean?

3 Answers

  • 3 hours ago

    @winteRrose: I can relate to your answer. Thank you so much. But why I feel scared?

  • 3 hours ago

    You had an "uplifting moment" in your dream!  Maybe you are wanting or needing one now, in your own real Life?  Who would be the person to give you that help? It seems his identy doesn't mean too much to you, but the fact that he offers you help in lifting you up to a higer level does help your overall being.  Beautiful dream!

  • 5 hours ago

    Desire to lose weight. 

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