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Lv 6
larry1 asked in Arts & HumanitiesHistory · 1 day ago

So, you still have 13 days to ask questions in 'History', right....?

Anything in history you've really wondered about, anything need to be Answered, I guess now is the time for 13 days...ask away.

Updated 23 hours ago:

I can't answer questions that are in answer to this Question. I meant you have 13 days to still ask history questions like normal in the History category so if  have any ask them as a regular Question.

Utilities prior wwii, there were actual jeans/denim but not common/ corduroy was big/ overalls-bibs/ caps/ 'work shoes'/ flannel. 

2 Answers

  • 1 day ago
    Favorite Answer

    "larry1"........ Answering every obvious troll-question *without* question for (apparent) centuries....

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 day ago

    @Larry's question and answers...............................................................................................

    What was considered utility clothing before WW2? (Great answer that time about Kamose btw)!!

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