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Anonymous asked in Science & MathematicsMathematics · 1 day ago

Use exponent laws to explain why log(40) - log(5) is equivalent to log(8).?

Need help bc my teacher writes her own questions and I cannot find any examples from any of our notes/classes. Logarithmic math

4 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    log 40 - log 5 = log (8 • 5) - log 5

                          = log 8 + log 5 - log 5

                          = log 8  .....................ANS

  • 1 day ago

    = Log(40) - Log(5)

    = Log(5 * 8) - Log(5) → you know that: Log(a * b) = Log(a) + Log(b)

    = Log(5) + Log(8) - Log(5)

    = Log(8)

    = Log(2³) → you know that: Log[x^(a)] = a.Log(x)

    = 3.Log(2)

  • 1 day ago

    log(40) - log(5) ≟ log(8)

    You want to test if this is true using exponent laws.

    If we start out by getting the prime factorization of the 40 and 8, we get:

    log(40) - log(5) ≟ log(8)

    log(2³ * 5) - log(5) ≟ log(2³)

    The log of a product is the same as the sum of two logs, so:

    log(2³) + log(5) - log(5) ≟ log(2³)

    We can pull the exponent out of the logs so the 3 moves outside of each:

    3 log(2) + log(5) - log(5) ≟ 3 log(2)

    We can now see that log(5) - log(5) is zero because that's true for any real number subtracting itself:

    3 log(2) ≟ 3 log(2)


    Now we have the same expression on both sides of this equation, so this, and the original equation, is true.

    log(40) - log(5) = log(8)

  • 1 day ago

    You should be familiar with several logarithmic rules by now. If not, look at the image below and put these in your notes.

    In particular, you want to use the quotient rule:

    log(x/y) = log(x) - log(y)

    Use that in reverse:

    log(40) - log(5) = log(40/5) 

    = log(8)

    Attachment image
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