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Will a garters stretch over time like bras (female who never worn them before)?

I'm in my early 30s and frankly never worn them before,  asI've never been a fan of stockings (prefer durable tights and the sticky holds up don't stay put on my legs), but I do like their practicality for the warmer month. I bought this red garter many years ago, but I was alot slimmer then because it's a XS but never worn it. Now, I'm about a size 6/8 now with a 28" waist. What I'm asking the waistband looks too tight?

Bra's tends to stretch out when you're wearing them, but I'm not sure if it's the same with garters and please, no rude answers. I purposely wore a skirt underneath because I'm not asking this question for "guy attention". This one is a bit "frilly" so probably just for flowy skirts and dresses.   I simply never worn them before, and I don't care if people think pantyhose, stockings, garters etc are outdated or whether they are sl*tty or sexy, because I wouldn't wear these to impress other. Just want to hold up my stockings for dressier events during summer. lol

Updated 1 day ago:

but they are not that uncomfortable now and no, I will not loose weight because of a piece of undergarment...I'm 5'6", 130ibs and happy with it.

Updated 1 day ago:

I'm from North Europe, English is not my native language so I may not express myself like, errr, an English native women.

I don't replace my bras frequently unless they are too small which cause the bands in the back to stretch.

Updated 1 day ago:

Why I don't want to replace - I'm FRUGAL.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 hours ago


  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    This doesn't sound like a real woman and also bras don't stretch over time. Anyway, why wouldn't you just replace them? Lies.

  • 1 day ago

    All elastic stretches over time. 

  • Pearl
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    just try them and see and then you'll know

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