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Anonymous asked in HealthDiseases & ConditionsAllergies · 5 days ago

Why am I so congested? What will make it go away?

The last couple weeks I’ve been so congested. It’s like my sinuses are so clogged I can’t breathe through my nose at all at least half the time. Blowing my nose doesn’t really help much. I’ve tried nasal sprays, both regular saline and one with phenylephrine (a decongestant). Neither works for more than a couple minutes. I have dust allergies and it’s been pretty dusty, but it’s bothering me a lot lately. My allergies haven’t bothered me much in years before this. My sinuses are so clogged that I can’t even swallow without pressure building in my ears. It’s so uncomfortable. I keep waking up at night completely parched, because I can’t breathe through my nose. I tried one of those breathe right nose strips last night and it only helped a tiny bit. I don’t know what else to do. I’m so uncomfortable. I haven’t tried allergy pills (like Zyrtec), but they never helped me at all when I had allergies a few years ago. I just need some relief from this feeling of a giant ballon being blown up behind my eyeballs. I can’t spend all day in the shower so I need a better solution.

3 Answers

  • 5 days ago

    Try taking 1 Claritan every morning.  It doesn't have severe side-effects.  Also, see if your doctor can provide you with a prescription nasal spray.  Lastly, make sure that you're tested for a sinus infection.  You might need antibiotics, as well.  

  • Pearl
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    maybe you should see your doctor about it

  • 5 days ago

    It's allergy season and it's bad this year.

    You will need to keep your windows closed, install HEPA filter on the HVAC system, and buy a HEPA air purifier

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