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Anonymous asked in Science & MathematicsMathematics · 5 days ago

how to solve exponents when two exponents are given?

i know 2^3 is 8 but the question i cant figure out shows 4^3-2. what does this even mean where the 3 and 2 are both exponents, thats a minus sign after the 3

3 Answers

  • 5 days ago

     4^(3 - 2)

     = 4

  • 5 days ago

    az is correct

    For a more formal approach:


    when multiplying powers of the same base (here, the base is 4), you add the powers.

    when dividing powers of the same base, you subtract the powers.

    We use the second rule

    4^(3-2) = 4^3 / 4^2 = 4

    (which is the same as 4^1)

  • 5 days ago

    If the whole expression 3-2 is up high in the exponent, then it just means 4^1.

    Plain old 4.

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