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If God exists, why doesn't he stop slave labor in the Ivory Coast and Uighur slave labor in China?

Updated 4 days ago:

DiscipleDave, I do help the homeless. Furthermore, there aren't one million homeless, but there are one million Uyghur slaves. Also, everyone knows about the homeless problem. It would be redundant to talk about an issue which everyone already knows about. In contrast, the issue of slavery in China and the Ivory Coast is an issue because consumers turn a blind eye. Therefore, the most effective/ethical thing someone can do is inform others of the slavery they're unwittingly perpetuating.

11 Answers

  • 4 days ago

    God never does for us what we can and should do for ourselves.  No good father would.

  • 4 days ago

    God does exit but doesn't stop people doing wicked things. The Arabs were more wicked in the slave trade than any other group in history, and many black Africans enslaved thousands of their own people to sell to Americans. God did not intervene then, so why should He now? He has condemned this world of sinners to increasing evil the further they go from Himself, yet has also done what we could never do to be delivered from our wickedness. Jesus suffered and died to liberate us from our slavery to sin. Millions have been set free by the grace and love of God, so waken up to that reality before you unthinkingly say He cannot exist because there are slaves. You are a slave yourself. A slave to sin. But God can liberate you (though not while you are thinking the way you presently do.)

  • CF
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    Momentarily, Satan is the ruler of this system of things, this world. In the near future, God´s Kingdom will take care of that. - Ephesians 6:12; 1 John 5:19; Daniel 2:44; Isa. 65:21, 22; Psalm 72:16.

    In fact, to the Israelites, God said He preferred that the poor be treated with kindness over  cold, robotic rituals:

    "No, this is the fast that I choose:

    To remove the fetters of wickedness,

    To untie the bands of the yoke bar,

    To let the oppressed go free,

    And to break in half every yoke bar;

    It is to share your bread with the hungry,

    To bring the poor and homeless into your house,

    To clothe someone naked when you see him,

    And not to turn your back on your own flesh."  - Isaiah 58:6-7  (NWT)

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    Mankind's issues are dealt with by mankind.  DUH

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  • 5 days ago

    you need to ask him this question

  • Doc
    Lv 6
    5 days ago

    God is OK with slavery. Why do you think Lucifer rebelled against it.

  • 5 days ago

    Mainly, because it doesnt exist and things that dont exist cant do anything. If for any other reason god chooses not to help, it just proves that god is a dick and is evil.

  • Pearl
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    you need to ask him this question

    Lv 4
    5 days ago

    Uighurs are wanna be blacks. They're racists.

    Uighur | ˈwigər |

    noun (plural same or Uighurs)

    1 a member of a people of northwestern China, particularly the Xinjiang region, and adjoining areas.

    2 the Turkic language of the Uighur.

  • Jake
    Lv 4
    5 days ago

    A person can battle the institution of slavery using the rosary and fasting.  God governs the universe; prayer governs God.  Slavery leads to various evils including torture, rape, maiming, homicide, stealing, etc.

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