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Should Muslims, Christians, Jews, and Atheists all make ammends before we get shut down?

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 days ago

    True Christians Love One Another. PERIOD!

  • 5 days ago


  • You're in League with The Werepossums!!!

  • Anonymous
    5 days ago

    You know who doesn’t get impostor syndrome? Cats. Not only does every cat know they’re a cat, I think every cat believes firmly, with conviction, that they are the best possible cat, the prime example of a cat, the most cat a cat could be. Not that cats are capable of this degree of higher thought, but if they WERE, a cat would never ask, “Is this action something a REAL cat would do?” They would simply know, “I am a real cat and I am doing this action, therefore it IS something a real cat would do.”

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  • 5 days ago

    I've been on the let's try and get along bandwagon ever since I came here. Though I'm not sure how clear that came across with my tendency to try and turn everything into a joke.

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