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Anonymous asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 5 days ago

how can i rapidly lose 25lbs in 2 months?

im a 19 yr old girl. 5'5 and weigh around 146. even though this weight is considered "healthy" for my height, i would really love to lose some fat because its really starting to show in my face. what are some diet plans and simple exercises i can do at home that would guarantee fast weight loss?

6 Answers

  • 4 days ago

    its unrealistic. I lost 30lbs in a month and i had no control over. I had to get blood work done to rule out anything. 

    my advice is to start small. Set a realistic goal like 10lbs in 2 months. Try to aim for losing around a pound or two a week and in 2 months you maybe looking at losing between 10 to 20lbs. 

    if you can accomplish this then the remaining 5 to 15lbs would be easier to reach in another month. 

    also change your diet and eat fewer portions. Drink more water and avoid sugary drinks. 

  • 5 days ago

    Amputation would work.

  • Anonymous
    5 days ago

    Your goal is unrealistic.  You may be able to lose 1-2 pounds per week, but it will take work.  And nothing will guarantee fast weight loss.

    That being said, don't focus on numbers.  Focus on health.  Start by cutting out soft drinks (even diet ones) and drinking mostly water, or brew tea at home and don't sweeten it.  Avoid fast food and processed food.  This alone will help - I know a guy who quit drinking Mountain Dew and lost almost 30 pounds in one year as a result.

    For exercises, go walking.  Do push ups and crunches.  If you can, invest in some hand weights and resistance bands and try some Youtube videos on how to use them.  Yoga with Adrienne has some good yoga routines for weight loss.

  • .
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    Make a lifestyle change. 80% of fat loss is about what you eat, so that’s more important than exercise. Any "diet" you go on may help you lose some weight but you'll tend to gain it back if you go back to your previous ways. Unhealthy diets also can cause weight loss of tissue other than fat (such as muscle, especially if your calorie intake is too low). Use a calculator like this one to determine about what your calorie intake should be. You can lose UP TO 3 lbs per week in a healthy manner, but 1 - 2 lbs is much more doable and easier to maintain long term. Remember that as your activity level and/or your weight changes, your calorie needs change too. So, check the calculator as your weight goes down or your activity goes up or down, so you continue to consume calories at a level that will help induce fat loss.


    Eat a healthy well-balanced diet at least 80% of the time...keep junk food, fast food, sweets, sodas, etc to a bare minimum (the occasional treat if you feel the need). Avoid as much processed food as you can. Focus on lean protein, fruits and veggies, complex carbs, healthy fats and and plenty of water. Keep your calories at a healthy level when working to lose fat. Cardio exercise is ideal for burning some extra calories. If you don't have an exercise program you want to use, YouTube has TONS of fitness videos you can check out, not to mention just getting outdoors and going for a walk, run, or bike ride.


    When you reach your goal, simply modify your calorie intake and/or exercise to allow you to maintain your weight instead of continuing to lose.


    How to lose weight has been asked/answered here in various ways, literally THOUSANDS of times. That's why there's a search feature at the top of the page. There should be no need for anyone to type another answer to that question, because all the information is already available, if you just do a quick search.


    Good luck!

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  • Petter
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    It's IMPOSSIBLE for you to lose 25Ibs in 2 months, unless you are willing to start cutting off body parts.

  • 5 days ago

    I eat high fibre food like fibre bars. Don't binge on these foods though as you'll have digestive problems obviously and exercise til you sweat

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