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Anonymous asked in Social SciencePsychology · 5 days ago

How could I turn down plans?

I’ve been feeling extremely low and down for the last couple of days. I tend to cry whenever I find time to be alone, my heart is achy and I feel sore all over. A friend just asked me out and my social battery does not feel at all charged. I’m NEVER invited to plans or to see people so I always jump at the opportunity to go out when I can but today I just feel in a slump. I know most people would say “going will cheer you up and take your mind off things” but I honestly think it would contribute to my social anxiety. It’s a friend I haven’t seen in a while; what if it’s awkward? What if I distract myself by going out but feel 100 times worse when I come home later? I don’t know what to donor how to say no

3 Answers

  • 5 days ago

    You may have depression.

    Get checked out.

  • 5 days ago

    Hiding behind your fears will just leave you hiding away from life.  Stepping out of comfort zones is hard but a must if you expect to lose these fears.  First step is always the hardest.  Get a grip & go, you may enjoy it.

  • 5 days ago

    If a fear makes it hard to cope in daily life, we call it a phobia. I wish I could say that there's some simple self-help to solve your problem but the research on self-help says that seeing a therapist is important for social phobia. Some therapists have begun working on the phone. You can call your doctor and ask about this. Legally, a therapist can work over the phone with anybody in the same state. Some insurance companies cover phone therapy. You can use the Psychology Today Find a Therapist feature to get a list of therapists in your state, find out who’s working by phone, and what kinds of problems they specialize in. Video - "How to seek therapy.”

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