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Hi all you older 70s/80s generation like me?

Ok, I am looking for a movie which (could) have come out around the late 70s /early 80s mark. 

It's a movie about a woman and her husband who move into this farmhouse/ country style home.

 One day the wife happens to be up in the attic and she accidently  comes accross a chest filled with clothing ( plus  a wedding dress) which belongs to  from a former Victirian lady who had once lived there. 

This current day woman soon becomes in truiged and every time she goes to the attic and puts on this wedding dress she"  is transported back in time into this earlier Victorian lifeand mets the "husband". Eventually, this present day woman begins to  fall in love with the victotrian guy- throughout her continous meetings from being in the attic . 

Long story short , the present day woman actually decides to leave her present day life as she is more in love with the guy from the victorian era.

She soon diliberately  disappear into the past  and no one is ever able to find her .... months later when her current husband is movin g out of the house ( and has kind of accepted her disappearance )  he later finds old portraits behind a wardrobe  of his current  wife but she is  "back" in the Victorian period, with her husband andwith the  children.

She had told her husband from the future that she would find a way to let him know that she was ok with "moving" back to the past - and did


Would absolutely  Love to see this movie again ! Anyone know what it is called ?? 

3 Answers

  • 5 days ago
    Favorite Answer

    Luciano is correct.  Also, the movie stars Lindsay Wagner, who also starred in The Bionic Woman series.  Marc Singer has a starring role, as well.  Later on, he had a major role in the V series.  

    Note:  The Two Worlds of Jennie Logan can be watched on YouTube.  

  • 4 days ago

    Thank you so much Luciano and Phoenix  for your answer to my question.Have literally just watched this beautiful movie again  , thanks to both of you ..........and at the end of it , it made me truly cry..........but i loved it .....wish it could happen to me xoxox

  • 5 days ago

    The Two Worlds of Jennie Logan (1979)

    Sorry I don't give more details, but I don't speak english very well 

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