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TV Section: Which Late 90s would you watch in each Saturday Morning Fall & Spring Lineup (1997-98 to 1999-2000)?

1997 Saturday Morning Fall Lineup:

8:00: Disney's Doug

8:30: Disney's Recess

9:00: Disney's Pepper Ann

9:30: Bobby's World

10:00: Men in Black: The Series

10:30: The New Batman Superman Adventures

11:00: Spider-Man: The Animated Series

11:30: X-Men: The Animated Series

12:00: Power Rangers Turbo

12:30: Big Bad Beetleborgs 

1998 Saturday Morning Spring Lineup:

8:00: Disney's Doug

8:30: Disney's Recess

9:00: Disney's Pepper Ann

9:30: Men in Black: The Series

10:00: The New Batman Superman Adventures

10:30: Spider-Man: The Animated Series

11:00: Power Rangers in Space

11:30: Beetleborgs Metallix

12:00: Looney Tunes

1998 Saturday Morning Fall Lineup:

8:00: Disney's Doug

8:30: Disney's Recess

9:00: Disney's Pepper Ann

9:30: Histeria!

10:00: The New Batman Superman Adventures

10:30: Power Rangers in Space

11:00: Beetleborgs Metallix

11:30: Men in Black: The Series

12:00: Looney Tunes 

1999 Saturday Morning Spring  Lineup:

8:00: Disney's Doug

8:30: Disney's Recess

9:00: Disney's Pepper Ann

9:30: Histeria!

10:00: The New Batman Superman Adventures

10:30: Power Rangers Lost Galaxy

11:00: Digimon

11:30: Men in Black: The Series

12:00: Looney Tunes

Updated 5 days ago:

1999 Saturday Morning Fall Lineup:

8:00: Disney's Doug

8:30: Disney's Recess

9:00: Disney's Pepper Ann

9:30: Power Rangers Lost Galaxy

10:00: Batman Beyond

10:30: Men in Black: The Series

11:00: Pokémon

11:30: Digimon

12:00: Looney Tunes 

2000 Saturday Morning Spring Lineup:

8:00: Disney's Doug

8:30: Disney's Recess

9:00: Disney's Pepper Ann

9:30: Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue

10:00: Batman Beyond

10:30: Men in Black: The Series

11:00: Pokémon

11:30: Digimon

12:00: Looney Tunes

Updated 5 days ago:

What do you think?

1 Answer

  • 5 days ago
    Favorite Answer

    1997. Batman/Superman, Spider-Man, X-Men, and Power Rangers in one morning sounds awesome.

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