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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureOther - Society & Culture · 5 days ago

I have a naturally quiet voice, any tips for speaking up?

I sound so faint which can make it difficult to be heard when I am in an environment with background noise.

Updated 5 days ago:

It isn't a case of "just do it", this is something I have difficulty with. It's so bad people often think I'm "ignoring" them because they will for example say hi to me in passing then not hear my reply.

1 Answer

  • 5 days ago

    I'm not sure what you mean by "tips" for speaking up. If you think you're speaking too quietly to be heard, be aware of that and speak more loudly. There's no secret method to it, you just decide to do it and then do it. The key is DECIDING to do it, not "just doing it". Awareness of the problem is the first step. Deciding to change is the second step. If you can reach those two steps, the rest of it IS DOING IT.

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