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Are there ways my ex-boss can professionally retaliate against me for sleeping with his wife?

I had horrible boss for about a year. I got a new job in November. In January, I went to an out-of-town event where my boss's wife was also RSVP'd on FB. I had never met the wife before, but I saw her on the RSVP list.

   I found her at the event, and we hooked up later that night. I did not tell her that I worked for her husband, and she never mentioned being married (and wasn't wearing a ring).   I want so badly to send an email to my ex-boss saying "your wife is great in bed" and show the selfie I took proving that we met. But I haven't done it yet, out of fear of professional retaliation...but I can't think of how he would actually do this.      I'm not worried about getting fired from my current job.  I work for a small company, and my current boss owns the firm.  He thinks what I did is amazing, and I know he won't fire me for it.  But are there other ways that my ex boss could sabotage my career?   To reiterate what I am asking, so that there is no confusion:  I am SOLELY asking about PROFESSIONAL retaliation.  I know there won't be any legal consequences - we were 2 consenting adults.  I'm also not worried about him causing me physical harm - I'm prepared for that.  I also don't care if this ruins their marriage - his wife made the choice too.  Lastly, I'm not worried about karma - he was a toxic boss, so I'm the one giving him the karma.

Updated 5 days ago:

Paul - Prove that this story is made up.

Updated 4 days ago:

Anonymous - There are 2 sides to every story?  So tell me, what's the other side?  Do you have proof?  You claimed the ex boss is the only one of good character, so show me your proof.  I already told you he is a horrible person.

Updated 4 days ago:

Anonymous (best answer) - Good thoughts.  I do see myself at my new company long term, but you never know.  No, the ex boss's wife has kids from a previous marriage, but the ex boss himself doesn't have kids.  So it wouldn't be tearing apart the family per se.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 days ago
    Favorite Answer

    The only thing I'd worry about is down the road.  If the job you left is in an industry you want to stick with, use caution with this.  The guy might have been a total d-bag to you, but that doesn't mean much.  Lots of guys are like this at work but still respected in the industry.  As for your current job, your boss sounds cool, but do you see yourself there long term?  If so, then I say go for it.

    Oh, there's one other possible exception.  Do they have kids?  I don't blame you for not caring about blowing up their marriage, but when you play a part in blowing up a family, that's very different.   IOW, I'd laugh at your story if no kids.  I would not laugh if there are.

  • Anonymous
    5 days ago

    His being a "toxic" boss is your opinion.  There are two sides to every story.  Why would you want to hurt him - AND their children, if they have any?  His wife is a louse but so are you.  The ex-boss seems to be the only one with good character, as far as I know.  Anyway, I don't know of any way he could hurt you professionally.  Still, I suggest you change your attitude and start treating people decently.  Start by not sleeping with married people and don't intentionally go around hurting people.  You have a lot to learn about life.

  • fcas80
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    Yes.  If you are both in the same industry, he can bad-mouth you to his peers at other companies and make it difficult for you to switch jobs.

  • Paul
    Lv 4
    5 days ago

    If you're going to make up a fake story you need to do better than that.

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