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A gas phase reaction has an activation energy of 123 kJ/mol, and the rate constant is 0.0800 min-1 at 45.0ºC. Find the rate constant when the temperature is 135.0ºC.

I keep getting 0.00000281 min. 

1 Answer

  • 5 days ago

    Since you are raising the temperature, the rate constant should be larger. I use the equation:

    ln (k2/k1) = Ea/R (1/T1-1/T2)

    Temps must be in Kelvin and the Ea should be converted to J/mol.

    ln (k2/0.0800) = 1.23X10^5 J/mol / 8.314 J/molK (1/318 - 1/408 K)

    ln (k2/0.0800) = 1.23X10^5 J/mol / 8.314 J/molK (6.937X10^-4)

    ln (k2/0.0800) = 10.2624

    k2/0.0800 = 3^10.2624 = 28636

    k2 - 2.29X10^3 min^-1

    Hope this helps...

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