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? asked in Entertainment & MusicMovies · 5 days ago

What is the title of the person who chooses products used in movies and sets?

I love styling and would love to research the industry but I have no idea what this job is actually called.

Updated 5 days ago:

I am not talking about product placement. I am asking about styling sets and sourcing decorative pieces to be used within sets.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 days ago

    Props director / Props master / Property master

  • 5 days ago

    The term is "product placement" and falls under the function of "marketing."  Actual job titles may include words like "sponsorship" or "integration."

    "Integration" is the most-specific term because that usually means being responsible for putting specific products into specific shots.

    Again, product placement usually falls under the umbrella of marketing, but on larger projects you may see the jobs like this listed in the credits:

    Asst. Dir of Marketing- Media Relations

    Asst. Dir. of Marketing- Theater Operations

    Asst. Dir. of Marketing - Sponsorships & Integration

    The first person would be the one responsible for press releases and cast appearances on various shows to promote the film.  The second would be the person responsible for how the movie is presented in theaters.  This includes everything from the posters and promotional materials to deciding which trailers play in which markets and negotiations to have the film shown only in the best theaters in each multi-plex...

    The third person would be your target.  That title indicates the person responsible for what products appear on screen and where.

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